The shock waves caused by United Airlines’ forcible eviction of a passenger from an overbooked flight have been heard around the world. But somehow they’ve bypassed the board room of United Airlines.
Some crises are meant to be embraced. What started out as an “oops” can actually turn into an opportunity. The screw-up at the Oscars is a great example and a good lesson in reputation recovery [...]
The year 2016 was a head-scratcher. Nothing went as expected. Elections in the US and Britain left pundits with open mouths. A product that took the social media world by storm – Vine – is headed [...]
Here’s one pillar of truth that will be left standing in the wreckage of the 2016 Presidential campaign: We believe anything that fits in with what we think we already know. Think of it as the [...]
Want to attract new clients? Build stronger relations with existing ones? Partner with great resources? Then, position your company as a thought leader in your industry. The reason is simple: [...]
At the heart of every crisis is a reputation iceberg. One that may sink the ship right away or punch a tiny hole that will eventually swamp the boat. If you don’t seize the wheel right after [...]
Employees are your brand ambassadors. They are its communicators, defenders and protectors. They give life to your brand. And, like ambassadors to foreign lands, they have the power to bring your [...]
Crafting the Crisis Plan – Part II In a crisis, you need to know who you need to tell and what you’re going to tell them. The “who” are your stakeholders. These are the people who care if your [...]
People don’t trust you. More pointedly, they don’t trust your business. That’s what a number of surveys are telling us and the impact of that loss of trust can and will show up on your bottom [...]