In From the Firm

32 years32 years ago today was a turning point in my life and my career. That’s the day I laid off and wasn’t sure what I was going to do next. I decided it was time to reinvent myself.  I never thought that it would lead me to write this blog post as President of AOMC 32 years later.

Over the years, AOMC has served over 700 clients and counting. We’ve had the pleasure of working with lawyers, retirement communities, nonprofits, faith-based organizations, financial services companies and even an astronaut. We’ve helped to build, enhance and defend reputations.  In our crisis practice we’ve worked with large corporate clients, nonprofits and individuals in trouble. With our help, they weathered assaults on their reputation and came out the other end ready to take on another day.

Today AOMC celebrates 32 years of triumphs and lessons learned. We’ve made it this far because we’ve worked with some of the best clients, employees, interns, reporters and mentors the world has to offer.

Thanks to all for one heck of a grand ride. It’s only just begun.

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